Tag: reinforcement learning

  • Cognitive Science, Decision-Making and Ethics

    Cognitive Science, Decision-Making and Ethics

    Everybody loves a good debate about the mystery of consciousness. Physicists get to invent quantum mechanical explanations of macroscopic phenomena. Humanities folk get to poo-poo the evils of reductionism. Journalists can trot out their full repertoire of both scientific and ethical cliches. Everybody gets to argue.  There are good working theories of consciousness that are…

  • The Role of Reinforcement Learning in Transformative Decision-Making

    The Role of Reinforcement Learning in Transformative Decision-Making

    Cognitive science can’t settle questions of right and wrong. But it can set the table for theories of rational decision-making and ethics. And the one thing we know for sure about how we think is that, at the most fundamental level, our brains are connection systems that are changed by experience.This matters; transformational experiences and…